New Year's Resolutions: Goals for My Family


Do you make goals for your family at the beginning of the new year?

This year I decided to keep it simple and set only 4 goals. I chose what I think are doable goals for my family.

Read a Chapter Book Each Month

I have always wanted to make the habit of reading a chapter book out loud with my kids.  I just have NEVER been consistent.  Now we are home everyday doing virtual school.  No better time to do it than now!  We are planning to read The Boxcar Children.  We are doing this right after lunch, because when we wait until bedtime it just does not happen. 

Keep a Prayer Journal for the Year

I started this last year, but I am embarrassed to say that we missed several months. I love looking back at the things we were grateful for and the concerns we prayed about.  It is powerful to see how God worked in all of our lives.  
Get a similar journal here. (affiliate link)

Be Outside for 15 minutes Each Day (at minimum)

This might be challenging during the winter months or the bad weather days, but there is nothing like fresh air and hopefully sunshine.  Our bodies need the vitamin D and our minds need the respite of nature.  Some days we may just bundle up to sit on our porch swing to read our chapter book.  Other days, we will spend the time taking our dog for walks or riding our bikes. 

Make Sure No Family Member Eats Alone

Let's be honest, not ALL of 2020 was bad.  Some of the things I want to remember from our slower year are all the dinners we ate together as a family. I am not ready to let that go.  I have a teenager and preteen in my house now.  They are busy and have practices in the evenings.  Even so, I do not want them to eat alone when they get home.  I'm making it my goal that someone sits at the table with them while they eat. 

What are your goals for 2021?

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